Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Next Orphan Care Bible Study

Mark Your Calendars!

Using the Bible and A Passion for the Fatherless the Spring  Orphan Care Bible Study will delve in to what does it mean to care for the fatherless today. 

A Passion for the Fatherless looks at the Scriptural mandate to care for the orphaned, helps families to look at why we care for the fatherless, and what are some ways they can respond to God's call to care for the orphaned. 

Topics covered include: 

1.  The Uniqueness of Christian Orphan Care
2.  Compassion, the Disenfranchised, and the Orphan
3.  The Theology of Adoption 
4.  Blessings, Missions, and Orphans
5.  When Not to Care for Orphans
6.  The Greatness of Godly Affliction
7.  Decision Making and Moving Forward

You do not need to have the desire to bring foster or adoptive children into your home to attend this study.  Simply having a heart to see what God's Word says about caring for "the least of these" is enough. 

Orphan Care Bible Study

Dates: Mondays, February 15, 22, 29 and March 7, 14 

Time: 6:00-7:30pm

Place: Bethany Community Church, Room 101
Taught By: Daniel Bennett

For further information contact: 

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