Thursday, August 15, 2013

Focused Fellowship in August? Why Yes!

Ladies - Are you considering foster care or adoption or you are in the midst of hands on care?

Join us as we meet to pray, share, and encourage one another.  We want to bless you with a place you can gain some practical helps, share what is on your heart, and help you find the way to get your questions answered, all while keeping the gospel the center and encouraging one another through prayer.

 It is our hope that you walk away after our evening feeling renewed to continue to walk the privilege of caring for these children.

Feel free to bring a friend if you'd like and a snack to munch on, if you have time to get it together. :)  No need to RSVP, come as you are!

Focused Fellowship meets the third Monday of each month.

Focused Fellowship

Monday, August 19, 2013 at 7:00pm

Where: Monica's Home - 1111 W Burnside Dr. Peoria

questions? contact Amy at

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