Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fall Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan Care Bible Study

Fall Open Hearts, Open Homes 
Orphan Care Bible Study

This study is for anyone interested in learning what the Scripture has to say about caring for orphans.  A desire to adopt or do foster care is not a requirement for this study.  We will also be using A Passion for the Fatherless by Daniel Bennett to help us better understand the theology of adoption and the practical application of orphan care. 

Sundays, September 22 - October 27, 2013

11:00am - 12:15 (during second church service)

Bethany Baptist Church

Led by: Jerry Sanderson

Any questions?  Contact Jerry Sanderson -
or Amy Park at

September Focused Fellowship

         Focused Fellowship

September 16, 2013

What is Focused Fellowship?  -  An evening for ladies anywhere in the process of fostering/adoption to meet together for prayer, support, and encouragement.  Whether you are in the beginning stages or walking through the day-to-day, we think you will find something for you.  

We meet the third Monday of each month, rain or shine.  We have found that when we cancelled for a special holiday the women just met at a Starbucks, so once in a while we change the meeting place due to illness or vacation but that is rare. (If we change the place we will post it on the blog and the Focused Fellowship Facebook page.)

Bring yourself, bring a friend, if you'd like you can bring a snack to share, but the only thing you really need is you.

In September we will have a special guest, Peggy Corra.  Peggy has a degree in counseling and great insight into children that have come from hard places.  Peggy joined us a couple of months ago and was great at helping us to understand the effects of trauma and loss on a young child.  

Where?  Monica's home, 1111 W Burnside Dr. Peoria

Time?  7pm 

No need to RSVP, just come.

Questions?  Email Amy at or ask on the FB page.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Passion for the Fatherless 2013 is a conference designed to equip you and your local church to care more effectively for the orphan.  

On October 11th and 12th at Bethany Baptist Church in Edwards, IL, pastors and authors Dr. Daniel Bennett, Dr. Rick Morton, and Dr. Tony Merida will serve as keynote speakers and discuss the Biblical foundation of orphan care ministry and the centrality of the local church in meeting the needs of the fatherless. 

 Joined by other experienced ministry leaders, they will cover important topics such as God and the Orphan, Funding an Orphan Care Ministry, Adoption, Foster Care, and Post Adoption Support in a variety of practical breakout sessions.  
Childcare is available and lunch will be provided. 

The cost of the conference is only $12.00
For more information and to register, please visit

Study on Post-Adoptive Women

Please take a moment and read this brief description.  Perhaps you are not a woman meant for this study but you may know one.
Cross Cultural retrospective study of women’s decision  making and mental health outcomes when placing a child for adoption:

If you’ve placed  a child for adoption in Australia or the US and are interested in sharing our story to help researchers better understand ADOPTION-decision making, the experience, and post-placement psychological adjustment, then please consider participating in a study directed by Priscilla K. Coleman, Ph.D., Bowling Green  State University.

This is one of the most comprehensive studies of the psychology of adoption ever conducted.  Participation is easy.  You’ll find the on line survey located here:

Please keep in mind that the survey is lengthy and will likely take over an hour tocomplete.  If you’re interested, please plan to fill out the survey soon.  The information you provide will greatly benefit women n the future.  Thank you for helping us!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Focused Fellowship in August? Why Yes!

Ladies - Are you considering foster care or adoption or you are in the midst of hands on care?

Join us as we meet to pray, share, and encourage one another.  We want to bless you with a place you can gain some practical helps, share what is on your heart, and help you find the way to get your questions answered, all while keeping the gospel the center and encouraging one another through prayer.

 It is our hope that you walk away after our evening feeling renewed to continue to walk the privilege of caring for these children.

Feel free to bring a friend if you'd like and a snack to munch on, if you have time to get it together. :)  No need to RSVP, come as you are!

Focused Fellowship meets the third Monday of each month.

Focused Fellowship

Monday, August 19, 2013 at 7:00pm

Where: Monica's Home - 1111 W Burnside Dr. Peoria

questions? contact Amy at

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Conference