Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Open Hearts, Open Homes Family Picnic

Open Hearts, Open Homes Ministry
would like to invite
you and your family 
to a picnic!

Bring a picnic supper for your family and meet us at the park.  You get to pick, whether you prepare it at home or drive through your favorite place.   Join  us for a time of catching up with one another!

We will provide the drinks. 

Date: Saturday, June 23, 2012

Place:  Grandview Drive Park - this is the park at the Rte 29 end of Grandview Dr., on the top of the hill.
(no shelter, but a large playground)  

Time: 5-7pm

There is no shelter at this park so blankets and lawnchairs will be helpful. 

Any questions?  Amy  -  levisix@frontier.com

Hope to see you there!

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