Monday, April 23, 2012

Foster Care Prayer Vigil

"A vigil isn't really about holding candles, staying up late,  or even about the event itself.  A vigil is about heartfelt, concentrated prayer.  A vigil is about setting our hearts on things that matter-- petitioning God to move in our world." - Cry of the Orphan

On May 8 we will spend some time in concentrated, heartfelt prayer for the over 400,000 children, workers, and families (birth and foster) affected by foster care in the U.S.

For more information about the National Prayer Vigil for Foster Care check out

Join the Open Hearts, Open Homes Orphan ministry of the Bethany Fellowship of Churches as we seek out the Lord in prayer.  Anyone is welcome!

Foster Care Prayer Vigil
When:  Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Time: 7:00pm
Place: Bethany Baptist Church, Senior High Room
          7422 N Heinz Lane, Edwards, IL

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