If you are interested in meeting at the Panera at Westlake Shopping Center at 7pm on October 19th please reply on the Focused Fellowship Facebook post. (Neither Monica or Amy will be there, but you could meet with others!).
Next Meeting: Monday, November 16th
7:00pm- 9:00pm(ish)
Monica's Home
1111 W Burnside Dr.
This is an evening for the ladies. We spend time praying for our families, sharing where we are in the journey, brainstorming questions, and encouraging one another in this journey of foster care and adoption.
We meet the third Monday of every month, so if you can't make it this month put it on the calendar for the next one.
No need to RSVP, please come as you are. If you'd like to bring a snack to share great, but no pressure.
Any questions? Amy 309-251-7250 or Monica 309-303-7965