Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Christian Alliance for Orphans Upcoming Webinar

The Church as a Partner in Biological Family Reunification in Foster Care

 While it is true that a number of children entering foster care will not be able to return home, the goal for the majority of them is to reunify with their birth families.  In this webinar we will explore how foster families, churches and organizations can play a vital role in the reunification process.
Presenters: Herbie Newell, Lifeline Children’s Services; Erin Kim, Mariner’s Church; Lesli Reece, North Point Ministries and Johnston Moore, Home Forever
Date:    Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Time:    2:00 PM (Eastern)
 Follow this link:

October Focused Fellowship


    October Focused Fellowship

Are you a foster mom? Adoptive mom? Join us on the third Monday of each month for an evening of prayer and fellowship.  It is our desire that you would find refreshment as you meet with other like-minded ladies.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Time:  7:00pm

Place: Monica's home, 1111 W. Burnside Dr. Peoria

Please come as you are.  Bring a friend if you would like.  Want a snack? Bring one to share.

Any questions? Contact Monica at 303-7965 or Amy at 251-7250.