Friday, May 16, 2014

May Focused Fellowship - Note the Change!


This Monday, May 19th is our normal Focused Fellowship time however due to end of school year events for Amy and a wedding in Monica's family we are unable to make that happen this month.

We know that some of you don't like to take a month off so we are proposing that Focused Fellowship Flexes this month and meets at the following:

Focused Fellowship being Flexible

Monday, May 19th at 7pm

Panera at Westlake Shopping Center (across from Northwoods Shopping Mall)

If you plan on meeting could you please let others know, in case other's lives are as crazy as ours this time of year.  RSVP to the Focused Fellowship FB page or to Amy's or Monica's page, that way no one ends up by themselves.

We plan on resuming Focused Fellowship on June 16 at 7pm at Monica's home..

Thank you for being understanding.  We never like to not meet with you all.  See you in June!